Life can get a little routine sometimes and sex can be put on the back burner. Couples get overwhelmed with work, being tired or just not spending enough time with each other. Technology can also play havoc with you sexual relationships as this study shows. Have you ever sat next to your partner in bed whilst scrolling your Facebook news feed? Guilty! It is important to remember that it is up to you to invigorate your bedroom antics. We invited the Australian sexual experts from Virgin Adult Toys to let us in on some tips to becoming a bad (but good!) girl in the bedroom.
Ditch the comedy PJs
Going to bed in scrappy old undies or those comfy, Christmas comedy pyjamas is an extremely bad habit to get into and a real sex-life killer. To be a bad girl, you have to feel like a bad girl. All real bad girls know that slipping a silky something over your derriere will get you in the mood. Invest in some good lingerie and night wear and chuck out those knickers with the frayed elastic band!
Get intimate
Intimacy is not just about getting down to it. Conversation is the starting point of all lasting relationships and keeping things hot. So put down that laptop/phone/tablet this evening and ask him for a backrub because your neck is stiff. Strike up some conversation and drop some double meanings in there. Learn to flirt with your partner again.
Feel comfortable within yourself
Sensual sex is only possible if you can first appreciate and enjoy your own body. Stop being so self-critical and focusing on all your perceived faults.Real bad girls love their bodies. Take some time to treat yourself: get a pedicure, get waxed or get a massage. Take some personal time to get to know yourself with an adult toy, in front of the mirror if you are brave enough.
Full Monty
Once you feel your confidence soar, seduce him with a private strip show. Leave the lights on and choose his favouriteva-va-voom tune to take each item of clothing off to.
Be Spontaneous
Bad girls do not always appear in the bedroom. Be spontaneous byunzipping his trousers while he is trying to talk on the phone, driving in the car, or fresh out of the shower. The more awkward the moment, the more bad girl points you score.
Do what you want to
What really separates the bad girls from the good is that they do what they want, when they want. So do whatever it takes to get what you want in bed. Keep him waiting, flip him on his back so you are in control oruse an adult toy to get off in front of him.
Virgin Adult Toys supply Australia with the most exciting and innovative adult toys on the market.